The health and safety of all the people in the venues that we work at is a priority. Fortunately we seem to be through the worst of this pandemic, but will remain vigilant for any further issues related to COVID-19. We are thankful for the tireless effort of so many people to quickly find a solution to this problem, and bring about an end to all these necessary precautions

Our Provincial Heath Services has mandated certain regulations that all of us are expected to follow with respect to schools and other public facilities. In addition to this, some private, and charter schools have additional regulations specific to their school which as visitors, we are expected to follow. 

Please check our website regularly for updates to our health & safety guidelines. We don’t make the rules but we do follow them. If you are experiencing any symptoms that may be COVID-19 related, please do not enter any of the schools or facilities that your game assignments are at. CONTACT US and we will make other arrangements to cover the games you have been assigned. Please get a COVID-19 test, and follow the recommendations that the health authorities provide. Alberta Health Services has a very informative COVID-19 INFORMATION SITE related to this specifically.

For all other health and safety issues that might occur during the course of a basketball game, these will be dealt with on a ‘as needed’ basis. Between the coaches, officials, school representatives, and if needed, the Alberta Health Services EMS medics, medical assistance will be provided as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is for all people attending the games officiated by our referees.